Idioms and Phrases are an integral part of the English language and are commonly used to make sentences fascinating. Idioms are often used in stories, poems and even in spoken words. The origins of these idioms are not always known, but they are said to originate from stories and creative writing and are modified over time.
Phrases are unlike idioms, they are actually direct and to the point. They do not have figurative meanings, the expression means what the words indicate.
1. set in = begin / start
set in = winter has set in early this year.
2. get into = became involved in
get into = Srilekha got into her preparation for the exams.
3. run over = hit someone or something with something and drive over them
run over = The car ran over a small goat on the main road.
4. kick down = strike forcibly with the foot
kick down = Anadini kicked down the ball
5. speed off = left in a vehicle or on a bicycle
speed off = The actress sped off in a waiting car.
6. bounced back = recovered quickly after a defeat
bounced back= T.D.P. bounced back in 2014 elections after 10 years.
7. freak out = make someone up-set / shock
freak out = Nick freaked out the girl at the traffic lights by doing a 360 degree spin.
8. call into = call to a person to come to some place
call into = I called my brother into the house.
9. break down = failing to function
break down = The car broke down when we were driving through the desert.
10. get rid of = discard as undesirable.
get rid of = He got rid of his bad company.
11. take off = remove / leave
take off = Revanth took off his shirt after entering his room.
12. stagger in = walk
stagger in = The thief staggered in and fell down.
13. talk over = speak with others about something / have a discussion
talk over = The two brothers are talking over sharing of their father's assets.
14. run up = move quickly to some place
run up = I ran up to the post man to receive the letters.
15. get off = remove / take off
get off = He got off his shirt after entering his room.
16. leave behind = not to take someone with you when you go somewhere
leave behind = The young man left his old mother behind.
17. see off = to say goodbye to someone
see off = I saw her off at the airport.
18. catch up = to come from behind and reach someone infront of you by going faster.
catch up = The old man caught up to the young man at last.
19. come across = meet by chance
come across = I came across a short person yesterday.
20. go about = tackle
go about = You are not going about in the right way to find a solution.
21. fight over = compete for / argue about something
fight over = The birds were fighting over a scrap of food.
22. set off = start a journey
set off = we set off for work at 7.30 pm.
23. look after = take care
look after = Their auntie looked after them while their mother was in hospital
24. get one's own way : get what one wants even when somebody tries to opposite it;
Shefali is intelligent and very particular about her interests. She gets her own way at
the end.
25. for ages : for a long time
He had been waiting for ages for his promotion.
26. set foot : visit ; come ;
When I set foot in the USA, I was really thrilled.
27. drive a hard bargain : argue in an agrressive way and force someone to agree to the best
possible deal.
These days many companies try to drive a hard bargain with their customers.
28. get rid of : make free of something or somebody that is annoying
Some people are terribly boring. Every one tries to get rid of such persons.
29. give way : stop resisting ; agree to something one doesn't want to ;
She refused to give way on any of the points.
30. at length : for a long time and in detail ;
We have been discussing this topic at length.
31. on purpose : deliberately ; intentionally ;
He opened the topic on purpose.
32. took by surprise : shocked
He decision to join Army took his family by surprise.
33. at a loss : not knowing what to do
All the students were at a loss as the examination dates were announced at such a short